Have you ever seen a full rainbow? You know like
the kind you see in pictures and books? I had
never seen a COMPLETE rainbow ever, at least not
until today at about 7:30p.m. Right after "Jude"
and "Ser" came home after getting the very
disapppointing phone call. They had gone to pick
up something for dinner and as they were driving,
that's when "Jude" rcv'd the call that she could
not be a donor.

I'm a freak when it comes to signs(and a lot of other
things too - lol) but really I'm always looking for
a meaning or reason and to have a full colorful
rainbow right outside our front door after such a
miserable emotional roller coaster is like a sign!

"Ser" came home and scooped Chi Chi outside to
show her what an amazing sight it was. Of course,
I had to follow along with my camera b/c I'm freaky
like that - gotta take pictures all the time, hence
the "Mammarazzi!"

I truly believe that everything happens for a reason
and that it was "Ser" that was suppose to help
"Jude" this time around, not the other way around.
IF she hadn't been tested for his sake, her health
problem would not have been discovered anytime soon.
The positive thing here is that he is fortunate enough
to have another potential donor, his sister.

I may be wrong about the rainbow and the signs and the
meanings but it helps me accepts things better.

Either way, it was an amazing sight, really nice moment
outside with the kids and a BEAUTIFUL RAINBOW that I hope
means has a silver lining at the end...

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