So I am now dealing with invisible friends. Not to panic, don't call the psych ward yet, I'm talking about my 5 year-old's invisible friend, who of course has a name, SOCCOLES. Soccoles has been around since she was about 2 and a half and seemed to be gone for a while but now has re-emerged and has comeback with much more intensity. For some strange reason, this "friend" Soccoles seems to love in the bathroom, specifically in our shower! I know I had an invisible friend too when I was young (two as a matter of fact) with quite the weird names, Piristan and Olocarlo. I know how bizarre! I guess it's hereditary. I'm sure all kids go through this phase of invisible friends but sometimes I wonder if it can be just like that movie
with Robert Downey Jr. when he's the little kid that has guardian angels that only HE can see. Hmmm???

She's been really in tune with Soccoles lately and he seems to be everywhere we go. The other day I was driving to
my old neighborhood and I had the babysitter in the car with us and she was in the back seat with the kids. I went by
some place and I wanted to show her, so I point to my right towards the passenger seat towards the window and Chi-
Chi yells at me, "Mommy, you just poked Soccoles eye out!" How was I suppose to know he was riding in the front seat?

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