I look forward to the journey that I am about to embark on. I have to look at it as an adventrue, otherwise, I will fall apart. I see my husband growing weaker and feeling worse everyday and cannot sit around and do nothing. I still have to have a series of tests done to make sure that I am absolutely compatible with this other indiviual. In case you missed it, I am not donating my kidney directly to my husband. I am donating it to a third party as part of the cross-match program. We were lucky enough to find another couple who is in our same situation but are also not compatible with each other. It will be like wife-sawpping (LOL!) but instead we will swap kidneys. Oh wait! Did I mention the real zinger that's got me stressed? We live in Florida and the operation will take place in New York City where they do this kind of operation all the time. Yes, I will have to leave a few weeks or days before our scheduled operation, which means I have to plan on a babysitter, school transportation, after school activities and MAYBE Thanksgiving from afar! That's making me crazy!!! I know, how trivial it sounds to you the reader but these are my concerns. Hey! This is why I blog - to vent!

I have an initial appointment up in NY this coming week of Nov. 3rd and I guess there it will be determined if I can continue in this quest. You have just become an active particpant in this saga. I will blog all about my experiences and take pictures as much as I am allowed. Someone please make sure I can blog in the hospital!! :o)


1 comment:

  1. demas esta decirte que cuentas con todo mi apoyo, que mis oraciones estaran con ustedes. suerte amiga!! y mucha fuerza que yo se que la tienes. que Dios te siga bendiciendo y tratemos todos de ver el lado positivo, que la recuperacion tuya y de Sergio sea muy pronta para que esten muy pronto junto a sus hijos. te quiero mucho y te pienso todo el tiempo. besos y abrazos. Debbie


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