I know there are hundreds and hundred of blogs out there, especially on people who like to talk about their life experiences, and I know that this one is probably not that much different from the next but somehow, it helps me and perhaps it may help or at least entertain someone out there as well, so I continue to write and vent and share and pass the time until "reality" again.  Whatever that may be.

Yesterday, as I finally got the "green" light to wash my hair after brain surgery  six days prior, I stood in the shower pulling clumps of my hair out, thankfully.  Yes, thankfully appreciating that it was the mix of blood and iodine and whatever other disgusting stuff was in my hair.  Thankful for the 90% chance my tumor was/is benign.  Thankful that I escaped the horrific possibility of what could have been.  I am grateful that I have an opportunity to continue in my children's lives and in the lives of my family and friends. That I am blessed with another day, another week and however long this life gives me. 

I am blessed that I can write about this now.  That I can look back and see what it could have been.  It makes me look at what my mother went through with her "death sentence" (cancer diagnosis) and that horrific battle.  Like the millions of women and people out there fighting cancer and disease and constant battle on a day to day basis, my life lesson remains the wisdom of knowing there is more to life than the day to day silliness we stress out about.   Life is way too complex to just be meaningless.  Sure, these experiences change you and I for one am glad my hair fell out because I was pulling it out, not because of a horrible diagnosis.  I was lucky.  I am lucky.

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