My greatest joy in life has been being mom to my little "rink-rats," who are growing so fast.  Even with the teenage eye-rolls, the endless battles of what is best for them, and all the sleepless nights, which I have yet to face, I wouldn't change it for the world! My only wish is that I could slow down time and keep them little for just a little while longer. I am sure every parent looks back at pictures of their kids and wishes that somehow time would slow down.

I made this compilation video for my kids or so I thought. Truth be told, it has actually helped me analyze and appreciate the wonderful moments that have gone by with my children. There are no guarantees how long we have here on Earth and I am of the belief that children our life's greatest blessings, a present from God to be treasured and nurtured as best we can, so while we are here, let's slow down and enjoy the moments.

One thing I have always done which makes my kids crazy, is take pictures!  If you have the chance, do the same! Take the pictures, be in them, be silly! Let them be themselves as you take the photos, even when they don't want you to. 

As they grow older, we are left with snapshots of memories, make them worthwhile!

What I have learned, is to treasure every single phase, as crazy and as frustrating as it may be. Like the song says. "it's all too fast!"

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