What's new you wonder? The world is nuts that's what!
Nothing like being up all night with your baby who is
sick (104 temperature) to wake up and read the morning
news for a little pick me up!

U.S. toll in Iraq hits 4,000 (are you happy now Bush?) Thanks a lot "Bushies" - just what you voted for!

Survey: Gas prices jump to all-time high

Sex offender running for town mayor

Forecasters warn of historic flooding

Police: Dad shoots, kills baby in car seat

That's just a few of the "joyful" headlines on this morning.

Choose wisely this time when we vote.

Remember our grandmothers were right,,,old values do matter. Be polite, be respectful, take care of others if given the opportunity. Choose correctly. Do the right thing.

The world has to come full circle I guess before some semblance of normalcy is restored.

I had a bad night, can you tell?!

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