As we enter Springtime, a time of transformation, renewal and rebirth, it has also been a time of reflection for me.

I remember as a child, I never understood the correlation between the Easter bunny and hiding eggs and how it tied into one of the most sacred days in the Christian world. In later years, I learned that eggs and rabbits, are a symbol of fertility, and that Springtime is a time of rebirth.  Why no one explained this to me as a child is beyond me but then again, conservative, religious families would never speak to their children about fertility, let alone ruin a tradition, right? (I am obviously overthinking this now as an adult!)

I have always appreciated logical explanations regarding religious traditions, that never made sense to me and was always more spiritual-minded than religious and have always been interested in the origins of things, the why.

Hence, this is probably why as an adult, I also chose to follow my own religious path into Judaism, because I knew that historically Jesus was Jewish, and I believed (believe) in only one G-d and felt that I didn't need an intermediary to communicate. As the years passed, it eventually led me into Kabbalah and then landed me in a more spiritual world than anything. I realized (especially after having my own children,) that almost all the traditions and rituals that take place in the name of religion, have become way more about tradition and commercialism than anything else.

As I reflect during this time of the year, when people celebrate the belief in the resurrection of Christ and/or the freedom of the slaves from Egypt, I'd like to think that the lessons I learned from both worlds has helped me to have a better understanding of why people believe what they do.

I am a firm believer in freedom of speech and freedom of religion - however, what gets me every time and still to this day, is the irony of this time of the year, (when religion is brought to the forefront,) and the hypocrisy of so-called people of faith becomes even more evident. When the words and actions of people do not match their religious teachings and preaching’s, this is when I shake my head in disbelief.

None of us are perfect but it always boggles my mind that some people preach the word of God and worship Jesus, yet walk around condemning others, who are not like them. I believe this to be completely the opposite of what Jesus and his earthly embodiment represented. To worship or idolize higher evolved beings like Jesus, Gandhi or even someone like Mother Theresa, yet live life in the complete opposite manner, makes no sense to me.

I believe that you should not condemn others simply because they don’t look like you, because they don’t act like you, because they don’t have the same religious beliefs as you, or because they choose to love differently than you or because they are in a different socioeconomic bracket than you.

To love one another, without judgment and to allow others to live life on their own terms, is what we should be doing here on Earth.

We are not necessarily here to “save the world.” We are here to become better versions of ourselves individually, and in doing so, impact the world collectively. 

In other words, we should not cast stones, we should learn to not judge others, & we should not fear what we do not know or understand. 

We should simply aim to live our best life without harming others and most importantly, allow OTHERS to live their lives as freely as they so choose, and to always have faith over fear.

We cannot mix our religious beliefs (and/or ethics) with politics because your “code to live life,” may not necessarily be someone else’s code; so therefore, we should just worry about living our own best life and do what you think is right for YOU!

It is NOT our job to be judge & jury. We should simply aim to create and walk our own path, as we journey through life to become better human beings.

Do not let fear consume you. Do not be coerced into condemnation. We must re-evaluate why we are here on Earth - and it certainly isn’t to change someone’s religious or political beliefs or to make them believe that your way is the only way.

Whether you believe life began with Adam & Eve, the Big Bang Theory or that we are extensions of extraterrestrial life, we are ALL here NOW on planet Earth, at this time in history and we must learn to live in harmony and enjoy the abundance that DOES exist.

Regardless of how you were raised or where you stand now regarding your religious beliefs, it is imperative that we all recognize that the greatest force on Earth is unconditional LOVE, which can be demonstrated through empathy, tolerance, and compassion. Love is love and love always wins!

So, as we all individually go around celebrating religious symbolism and tradition, at this time of the year, remember that more important than following some religious dogma, is to simply be a kind-hearted, empathetic and tolerant human being who learns to be loving and accepting of others, regardless of race, religion political affiliation or religious beliefs.

And in so doing, we become more God-like and closer to Source.

May you rise above the hate and fear often demonstrated in our world and may you always be free to love and live as you so choose, while always doing what is best for your growth as a human being. 💛💫🌻-LR





POST NOTE:  As controversial as this may be to some people reading this (and most probably goes against everything you have may or may not have been taught, my personal belief is that Jesus was a real person, "an ascended master, (an advanced soul from the higher vibrational frequency dimensions) he was one of many advanced souls that have chosen to incarnate here on Earth to help us evolve our consciousness faster."

I do believe that he chose to be born during that tumultuous time in history. I believe he chose to incarnate to teach people about love, compassion, kindness and above all, forgiveness. I believe the important lessons we should take from the belief in Jesus/ "Yeshua," is that he taught people how to love unconditionally without judgment, so that we can evolve our consciousness, with the ultimate goal of being one with the Source/God.

Sadly, throughout history, that message has been lost through erroneous storytelling, as well as the fact that many people of power and authority monetized his message via the creation of the church and warped His teachings by turning it into a belief system, that they could monopolize as well. 

Unfortunately, in today's world, we are so far off the intended message. This is one of the reasons why there is a collective awakening happening, because so many people recognize the fact that there is something far greater and bigger than us, than just our Earthly bodies and what we have been taught to believe. In essence I believe we are vehicles with eternal souls traveling in the journey of this so-called life, in the quest to return to where we came from...where we actually belong. I also believe that when we die, we get to our own individual version of "heaven," and we manifest what we expect to see.

Ultimately, I believe that we have free will and we can choose to believe (or not believe) in anything or anyone we want, but first and foremost, we should respect others' rights to the pursuit of life, love, and liberty.





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