For two weeks, I was aware that we had been invited to EE's birthday party in South Beach. I was so so psyched
and I little stressed. Afterall, I was about to be 40 and had to show up at South Beach with all the glamourous stars and papparazzi that would be waiting. My husband had warned me or shall I say encouraged me that I should get something really nice to wear, so I could look "fabulous" at forty. I should have known then.
A month before he (Ser) had told me that we were invited to his cousin, Ben's house for his brother's bday (Mario) - Ben's brother. It was on March 1st. As the invitation arrived for EE birthday, Ser told me to r.s.v.p. and that we still had to go by
Ben's for Mario's diner and then much later we would go to South Beach. EEch, I thought, way past my bed time and what would I wear.
So like 5 days before I went shopping and bought a short little cocktail dress, styling shoes and jewlery to go with it.
My only focus to be perfectly honest was EE's bday.
So, Saturday, March 1st comes around and I start my preparations for the night around 3p.m. I drop the baby off at the sitter's and I proceed with "the works." The hair, make-over (hey, I just turned 40!), nails etc... Around 7:15p.m. Ser calls me "WHERE ARE YOU!!!? "Uh, I'm finishing up my nails," I say. When they were only on like toe #4!!! So I have to rush out of there and hurry home. As I'm getting dressed at home Ser is bitching at me about how late we are to Mario's dinner, how it's not fair to have them wiating for us to eat, how I was only thinking about EE's party, blah blah, blah. I was so updset b/c he never really gave me a time and if he did, I forgot!! I yelled back, "Ay, forget it, go by yourself, tell them I had a stomach ache, you're being so rude!" So this continues in our one hour long car ride to Key Biscayne. As we're driving, I'm just thinking I can't wait til dinner is over and just go to South Beach.
As we drove into the Key, Ben calls and Ser starts to apoligize that we are late and then proceeds to tell him that "Lissette was late" - threw me right under the bus!! I felt really bad for a nana-second that I was making all these people wait for dinner. But then I say, "why don't you just tell them to start without us!" "Too late now, he replies." Ugghhh, how annoying, I'm thinking. So as we arrive at Ben's house, Ben comes right outside to greet us. Yikes, I think, he is REALLY hungry and mad. He walks us in and then his wife Any comes out of the room and looks at me and says in Spanish "why are you all dressed up to come and eat an asado (a.k.a. latin bbq) ? I explain, "Oh, we're going to EE's birthday party in SoBe. So they all say, let's go outside to eat. Mind you they have a HUGE house, big terrace, pool and water in the back. Ben open's the french doors and all I see is black and shadows and vague lights. I hear shouting, "Surprise!" but no Mario. Hol crap!! this is for me, I realized!!!!!!
And then began the most exciting night of my life ever! It was like "this is your life." My husband had thrown me a huge 40th surprise bday party!! We WERE invited to EE's birthday party but obvioulsy - we weren't going!!!!!!!!
As I walked in, every face I saw was more and more exciting! I have never been so surprised and so happy!!! All my family was there & friends from way back when! The disco music, the pink lights, the Jack Daniel shots (:o), the paella, - whew! All I could say was wow!!!
I am use to being the one planning etc... so it was kind of weird for me to be the center of the party but I have to say it was soooooo much fun! LOL! I wouldn't trade that feeling for anything in the world!!!!
And so this is the story of how I was "Fooled at forty!""

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