WHAT YOU (& WE)  DO MATTERS - Now more than ever, what you do, actually matters, especially when we are talking about our health 🏨 and our future! What WE do matters!

While wearing a mask during this Covid-19 pandemic 😷 is important (so we don’t spread germs when we are in closed public spaces with others,) it is also VITAL to BOOST our IMMUNE SYSTEMS!! πŸ’ͺ🏻🌱 

Just wearing a mask and then being unhealthy or un-safe, is counter-productive! 

“The mask” is not some super-power, like a superhero costume that magically makes us immune from illness. WE have to all work together to bring about WEllness to ourselves, our families and our society. The “I” in Illness is a selfish way of thinking - like what I do shouldn’t matter - well, guess, what it does! 

While I am a firm believer in questioning the status quo and not following the masses, just because "they" say so, common sense and SCIENCE must prevail in this discussion. 

In the same breath, I also think its crazy to wear a mask when you are outdoors, exercising or at the beach, but that is just my opinion. I truly believe that nature and the outdoors (ie: the beach) are therapeutic and have natural healing effects. This is where the common sense part has to come in for each person. So while, I am saying, we should wear a mask and be safe, I am also saying that we should make an effort to be healthier and question what we are told to do a little more often. Blind obedience is not my fortΓ©. However, COMMON SENSE is!!!

We must ALL have common sense!  Sure, "wear the mask" they say, but how in the world is that going to protect people when there are some out there doing crazy things!  Case in point, Florida, my home state!  Yea, roll your eyes (#becasueflorida is actually a hashtag!)

Florida is one of the states that began allowing re-opening early, in the beginning of May.  Florida's Department of Health says, "8,942 people tested positive for the Coronavirus!  This is the highest total yet (as of 6/26/2020.) The measures to stop the spread of the virus have fallen short in Florida. "Why," you ask?  Well, I will tell you what I think!  People have NO COMMON SENSE!! There are people in South Florida going to bars and clubs and congregating in South Beach like its the biggest party of the year.  I am the first one, to say life must go on," but I also believe that given the FACT that we are living through a global pandemic, there are certain precautions we must take, (ie: wearing a mask, getting healthy and practicing safety and common sense!)

There is a fine line between the safety measures being implemented and temporary rules that might become permanent.  Where do we draw the line in being safe and not wanting to give into fear?  As I write this article, I am torn with these same exact issue I just mentioned. Where do we draw the line?  

What I do know for sure is that: Facts matter. Actions matter. Science matters. Common sense matters. Safety matters. Balance matters.  All the little things matter.  

We must recognize that wearing a mask is simply a tool to TRY and not spread germs. We have a responsibility to ourselves and to our families to do what we can to stay or get healthy and also not become complacent! πŸ’š

🎯 My point is, don’t put all your faith into just wearing a mask and then do nothing to be healthy! You can do BOTH!! I ALWAYS tell my kids, "Be safe and be smart!"  And the same thing goes for all of us now!  You don't have to be a germ-a-phobe, a conspiracy theorist or  completely apathetic.  You can still be skeptical of the "new normal" and recent happenings, yet, still having sense enough to recognize that there are people dying from Covid-19.  Just be safe and be smart with what you do!  We have to learn to balance our opinions, safety and compassion for mankind

During these uncertain and scary times, our best DEFENSE and personal responsibility is to do everything in our POWER to eat clean, drink water, stay active, be healthy and boost our immune system, and do what we can to live as HEALTHY as possible! 

Health should be an investment, not an expense! And COMMON SENSE should always prevail! πŸ’«πŸ‘

Here are 10 Random Tips/Suggestions:

1. Wear a mask in public locations (grocery store, bank, restaurant etc...) to protect others, especially, if it is now the new regulation in your area.

2. Minimize your exposure to crowded places un-nececessarily.

3. Do what you can to eat healthy, and get on a journey to wellness! 

4. Boost your immune system now - don’t wait until you get sick or a cold etc...

5. You can be conscious of what’s happening and still have COMMON SENSE practices! (Like don’t wear a mask alone in your car! πŸ™„πŸš˜)

6. You cannot pick and choose safety. You can’t “sort of quarantine.”  If you decide to re-enter society as per usual, keep in mind, your risks. Yes, life must go on but at least, use some common sense. 

7. Do not let fear take space in your mind.

8. Stay informed but do not obsess over the news. The media will make you never want to leave your house or have human interaction again.

9. We have to build up our immunity system, so therefore, no, we cannot live in a “bubble,” or a 100% germ-free environment. It is okay if you catch a cold or flu, the key πŸ”‘ is making sure our bodies are strong enough to withstand it. (If you are immune-compromised, common sense should prevail even more so!) We cannot hide every time a pandemic rolls around - so we must build up our immune system NOW!

10. Be kind to others and RESPECT them! Just because they think differently than you or have differently beliefs, doesn’t give you the right to judge them or treat them poorly. Sure, you may completely disagree with their opinions, but that is what makes the world go around, and what makes our Country a "melting pot." Just move on, or distance yourself if necessary, but always remember that Fear and Hate are destroyers, so be respectful and be kind and don't let negativity consume you.   

Choose Kindness. Choose Better Days! 

And above all, always express gratitude for your life and health. What we focus on becomes our reality.

Life is all about BALANCE.


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