KIDS & SPORTS - The keyword in playing a sport is PLAYING! The moment your child is no longer playing (watching from the sidelines, dugout, bench etc…) or not having fun…that is the time to re-evaluate why you even started! Not everyone joins a team sport to be a professional.  Sports should really help your kids get exercise, make friends, develop physical skills, learn all about teamwork and my favorite, improve their self-esteem!

When kids play team sports, it should offer not only some life lessons but it should (could) be an outlet for building lifelong friendships, releasing stress, getting in shape, respect, discipline, empathy, learning to win and lose and above-all, about loving who they are whether they win or lose…

Sometimes along that journey, if they are lucky and work hard, they grow into better athletes (but sometimes not and that's okay too!)

Did you know that "over 70% of youth athletes drop out of sports before they enter high school. The reasons according to the kids themselves: Too much pressure to win, poor coaching, being forced to “choose” and specialize in a single sport at too early of an age, too expensive for parents, team/club politics, etc." (Source: Kids Out and About.)

Regardless, being part of a team and playing a sport (whether recreational, travel, or in school,) should not be a task or a chore, unless of course, you and your child have decided that they are going to pursue sports professionally or at least in college, and then it becomes like a full-time job. Otherwise, playing sports should be about PLAYING and having fun, even when it’s difficult and it should be about learning to work together as a TEAM, making friendships, regardless of where they play at.

We should teach our children that making friends should not be based upon skill levels but human levels. Just because a kid is a great athlete, doesn’t make him/her a great person. Building and maintaining a friendship goes way beyond the field, court or ice…especially if they have friends who have decided to no longer play.

Not every kid is going to be a Messi, Simón Biles, Michael Jordan, Gretzky and so on. They can try along the way, but without the unnecessary pressure from parents. We can teach our children to be their best selves, but not while living out our dreams vicariously through them. It must be their passion and ultimately their choice, as they get older. (And of course, I am not referring to a 4 or 5-year old kid, who just started playing optimist soccer or baseball!)

Ultimately, we need to let our student athletes (and children in general,) learn, develop, have fun, and enjoy making memories and teach our kids to make friendships based on human connection, not who they play for or don't play for or if they are popular or not.  It has never been easy to find real and loyal friends but in today's world, it seems an even harder task.  

It is up to us as parents to set a good example and be there for our children unconditionally.

Some day, we will wake up and there will be no more games, meets, or events to go to, whether by their choice or by time.


Remember, that the GIFT OF LIFE is TIME!  Make the best of it. ~LR😎❤

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