Bullying was really never a big issue when I was young. Yes, there were the mean kids, the nerds, the popular ones, the easy girls, the boys that were the jocks and the smart ones. But from what I remember as a teenager, we did not have to deal with so many kids killing themselves because they were so horribly bullied and the divorce rate was not so high as it is today. We did not have to deal with social media, sex texting, internet & inappropriate pictures. The worse that one would hear was someone talking bad about someone else and either horrible or good rumors spreading. But we all know what is bad tends to be spread more than what is good. Even in businesses, people tend to make the time to complain but not much of the effort to let someone know how awesome they are.

I have tried so hard to always let my girls know how proud I am of them, how they can achieve what ever it is that they want in life and I try not to put a lot of stress on them as far as there grades. I always tell them that as long as they truly are trying and just doing the best they can and of course, I do want passing grades, is fine with me. I try & TALK & EXPLAIN how important having an education is and getting a career. How important it is to do what you LOVE and not what others tell you what you SHOULD do. How money is not all that matters but what MAKES THEM HAPPY. I tell them that they DON'T have to get married, have children and live the family life, if that is not what will make them happy, because if they are not happy then they will not be happy being a mom and we all know how tough being a mom is on its' own. YET THAT ALL STILL DOES NOT SEEM TO BE ENOUGH.

He shows them that he cares by working hard, being able to buy clothes, a laptop that they need for school, gear for the clubs they join and spend some time with them when he can. Since we live in different states, he does not get to see them every other weekend either. But I also have to admit that he has been very good with me. We get along very well now and I know he adores them with his entire heart. I continue to try to explain and let both of my girls know that he adores them but is just not affectionate yet I do not think they totally understand. So I have spoken to my ex and we both agree that it is time to see if I can find a therapist for them both and PRAY a therapist can help them both with there self esteem.
I sit here and think what have I done to have them feel this way. I know part of the reason is my ex but I also have to admit that thru the years, I was not the perfect role model. For many years, I rode the Divorce Roller Coaster ride of emotions. There were times I was angry, working too much, stressing, not giving my children the quality time that I should have, dealing with the guilt of the divorce and so much more. I know we all, who have experienced DIVORCE understand my feelings. This is the one ride that I do not ever care to ride again because it is just not fun. There are so many emotions that one has to try to cope with and at the same time be a parent. Then I also had added to my list to be a business owner in a small town and ended up having to close the doors because I had an employer, that I trusted way too much, destroy my business and put me out of money. But during those years of anger and going thru many financial hardship where I even lost my home, I had too LOST FAITH. As I lost my faith, I became negative towards life,men and my future. That was not good. I feel as if that is why they also have low self esteem because they have seen it in ME. We all know that our children absorb and mimic what we do & how we act. So I think that between both parents, it would not help to get them to find a way to feeling better about themselves.
I now am a different mom. I am still struggling financially but my attitude towards life is different. I also have FAITH. I am grateful for what I have. Every day I take a few minutes to say THANK YOU to God & the Universe for all that I still have because I know that even if I do not have a lot, I have much more than others. I LAUGH A LOT MORE TOO! I joke around so much more than I use to. Well, not too sure about that because I have always been a jokester but not as much as with my girls as I am now.

I wish anyone else who is going thru such situation, the best of luck. I don't think one needs to be ashamed as a mother. We, as mothers, know the internal pains that we feel and sometimes knowing we are not alone is a good thing. Maybe by sticking together, talking, we can help each other!!
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