(Originally posted in The Power to be Happy blog)

We all know what a temperamental tween or teen is like - not only if you are a parent, but because we have all been there! However, there is a huge difference between a typical moody teenager and what seems to be happening more and more.

There is an epidemic in this country and it directly affects our children in one way or another, especially after the global pandemic we all went through. As a matter of fact, the Surgeon General warned of a mental health crisis among our youth.  

According to an article in the New York Times, “Depression, self-harm and suicide are rising among American adolescents.” Tweens and teens have a variety of reasons why they may be struggling with their mental health but the Covid pandemic, coupled with social and racial inequalities, as well as an increase in cyber-bullying, may all be contributing factors.

[NOTE: This article in no way serves as medical advice. If you or your child is suffering from a mental health crisis, please seek professional help immediately.]
Parents often ask and wonder how they can help their teens struggling with mental health. And more often than not, there are those parents, who do not always want to put their child (teen) on medication, if they can avoid it.

This is where natural, plant-based holistic alternatives come into play. Supplements like saffron, theanine, NZ pine bark, & specific strains of probiotic bacteria are helping kids/teens flourish. More than ever there is scientific evidence correlating the connection between gut health and the brain - the gut-brain axis. There are unique blends of natural remedies targeted to enhance overall mental wellness, specifically, Kids Fundamentals. 

Dr. Shawn Talbott, Chief Scientific Officer|Author|Professor|PhytoNutritionist, explains, what Kids Fundamentals does: “We want to be able to deliver comprehensive gut-brain axis SOLUTIONS for our children to help them improve their mental wellness, just like we do for adults,” and Kids Fundamentals does just that.”

Here are a few tips as well, according to Dr. Nadell from Mount Sinai that we may suggest to our children: 

To learn more about alternative options for kids and teens all-in-one gut-brain axis nutrition, visit:





(Sources: New York Times,Harvard Edu. Blog, AmpProject, Amare Global)


Lissette Rozenblat
Founder, The Power to be Happy|Blogger|Amare Wellness Partner

"Leave a Footprint Worth Following"
"Feel Well, Live Well."
"What You Think, You Attract.'
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