"Sometimes it’s difficult to be positive, and to be patient or to comprehend the challenges we are faced with, in those "tower moments" of life that make us feel overwhelmed. Those "tower moments" are moments that can feel like everything around you is crumbling, and getting more difficult at every turn, but the key to overcoming these moments, is to make space for more light to enter, to move to a new higher frequency with an upward and forward movement. It is important to always keep moving forward towards that light. ("Nunca para atrás como el cangrejo!”) Moving forward is not the same as moving on. You can “move on,” physically, but emotionally, you may not have moved forward. Forward is progress.

It is where we need to go as things change and move in different directions with the ups & downs of life. We need to learn to look for the light and move forward in progress. And that doesn’t mean the “light” they talk about at death. When I refer to the light, I am referring to the light of LIFE, of love, of hope, of motivation, of kindness, of compassion, of happiness, of better days yet to come. It is the light that sparks you from the inside out! 

We all have that "light" within in us, but sometimes we just need that spark or switch turned back on. Often, we forget who we really are supposed to be because we got lost in the chaos of life. It takes conscious effort to look for the things that “light you up,” and bring you joy. It also takes plenty of self-love and personal development to nurture your soul. We are a work in progress.

Ask yourself this? If you treated a project at work or at school with attention, care, and focus to make sure it was successful and turned out well, why wouldn't you do that for yourself? If you are doing it right, when you complete a job, a project or different levels in school/college, you keep going up and forward in progress. You either work towards a goal, good grades, a promotion or different levels of success, so why wouldn't you put in the same or better effort to the ultimate project in your life? YOURSELF!

If you don't put yourself first, why not? Maybe you are used to helping everyone else with their own life, while you feel stuck...but guess what? When we feel stuck in life, it is because we are not putting in the work. We are not putting in the work to be better in our relationships, our jobs, our health, our friendships - none of it. Don't get me wrong, I am not preaching - this is as much life advice as it is self-talk, when I write. Sometimes our hearts can't accept what the Universe has planned for us, but it is our job to go the extra mile and figure things out, not all at once but throughout our lifetime.

We things feel like they are falling apart, we are just letting old patterns of behavior steer the wheel and become complacent with the status quo. Complacency is a killer. That doesn't mean that life has to be perfect to be wonderful. It means, that we learn how to maneuver through those tough tower moments and find something wonderful along the journey. It is possible, even in the darkest of days.

Personally, when I had days when I felt "blah" and didn't feel well and had migraines almost every single day and my mood was just meh, I used the help of C-B-D, and personal development. It is difficult to be positive and feel hope when you feel like crap! Everyone is going through something and we all cope in different ways. Some people smoke weed, some people take anti-depressants, some people become obsessed with exercise or work and some people just suck it up.  What I know is that no matter how we deal with those "dark days," individually, we are not here on Earth to just get by and complain about the rough moments in our lives. Like the saying goes, "We are here to thrive, not just survive."

And News Flash: No one gets out alive! We're not usually here for a long time, (unless you are my grandmother! LOL!) So, we should make every effort to make it the best time possible. 

Actually, what I have learned, is that we are here on Earth to learn to manipulate energy and become better versions of ourselves. If you are religious, then perhaps that better version is the goal of becoming God-like. And if you believe in Source (higher power,) then you know that we are all God and have that power within us to achieve a higher frequency and achieve Christ-consciousness.

But let me not digress into religion...the bottom line is you have to do what lights you up.

You (and by you, I mean you, me, we,) have to make a conscious effort to look for the things that “light us up,” and brings joy. Even with all the craziness and frustrations, we go through in life, (love, work, politics and so on,) it is about surrounding yourself with people who make you want to be better and do better. It is about moving away from the dark energies and things that bring you down.  It is about appreciating those people, who genuinely love you and treat you well, who check on you and want to see you succeed in life. There is plenty of good in the world, we just have to look for it! And there is also great abundance in the world, (if only greed and power would take a back seat.) Love, abundance, kindness, it's all there waiting for you, for me, for us! We all have the power to be happy, if we choose to look for the light in the dark moments - it just has to be a very conscious effort at first. 

Looking for the light is about finding “your tribe” and thriving there, whether that be with family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, like-minded online friends, teammates, and so forth. Having a tribe is about having that support that we all need at one time or another in our lives. And if you don’t like the “tribe” you have, get a new one or start your own! Reach out to me and will help you find one.

There will always be some cloudiness, and even some really dark days, but it is in that “darkness,” that we must learn to manipulate our Energy, so that we can attract the good, (“the light”) and the higher frequency in life, which IMO, is THE goal. That higher frequency is in reference to a higher spiritual plane, not a physical state. And with that said, our physical state is also an integral part of our journey.

It is true that health is indeed our greatest wealth, and without that we have nothing, which makes it that much more difficult to stay motivated and happy when we are not in good health or not feeling our “best.”

This is why we should try to do everything in our POWER, to be as willing and as healthy as possible to put in the WORK: mind, body & soul.  Feeling good and having a positive mindset is hard work. No one said it would be easy; but it is definitely worth it, when you are able to shift your paradigm - to change your thinking and perspective from what it has always been, that is progress - that is success. It is learning to have a growth mindset over the same old stagnant mindset we have been conditioned with, that says things are the way they are, and that they have to stay that way.

This is not true. We can change our mindset at any time we make the DECISION to do so. We have the POWER! The power to be happy, to be healthy, to be kind, to spread love and happiness and to make everyday count.

We are not here on Earth to just survive and get by. In my opinion, we are here to make a difference, to make a positive impact, somewhere along the course of our lives.

At some point in life, you may have inspired or motivated someone and not even known it. And sometimes, you might even have to “toot your own horn,” to keep you going in a positive direction with self-talk, personal development, daily affirmations and this blog.

So, even if you feel things are crumbling around you sometimes or getting more difficult, and those “tower moments,” seem to be growing, remember that we don’t grow or learn when things are easy. We grow when we learn to overcome the obstacles with grace and grit. We learn when we can recognize the lessons, as difficult as some of those may be.

All the chaos we feel, is the Earth, (Gaia, G-d, Source) shifting us to become better versions of ourselves, especially with what is going on in the world around us. It is a time of clearing out. It is a time of new beginnings and new cycles. It is a time of choosing love over hate. It is a time to choose the light over the darkness. 

Every generation has had its turmoil and ups and downs but at the end of the day, the goal of humanity is to evolve and become better.

My advice is that we ALL need to "do more of what makes us happy every day" and be like a sunflower - always looking for the light, that brings you joy and happiness. Stand tall, even if sometimes you may feel like you are wilting. Water yourself with love, good food, good times and good people around you! Keep looking for the light when you face those tower moments that feel insurmountable.

The happier we can be individually, the more we affect the collective in a positive way and that is how we can begin to change the world - by being the change!

It’s all part of the process.  Inhale Love, exhale negativity."


-L.R. Rozenblat

"Happiness depends upon ourselves." —Aristotle

(Source:  Re-post from The Power to be Happy blog)

(Disclaimer - article contains affiliate links.)

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